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Welcome to Our Governors’ Page


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


What do we do?


The main role of the governors is one of monitoring and evaluation to support the Headteacher and staff of the school. We help them to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life.


The governing body operates under a circle model whereby the full governing body meets together once a term. There are also other committees that meet twice per term and feedback information to the full governing body; committees cover specific tasks e.g. school improvement, finance and general purpose, Headteacher’s performance management etc.


There are several categories of governor, appointed by different bodies that have an interest in the school. These are Foundation governors, Parent governors, Staff governors and LA governors. All governors have equal status, however they were appointed.


If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please do so via the Clerk to the Governors at the school address.  


We have a legal responsibility to:

  • Monitor the Catholic life of the school.   
  • To monitor the Religious Education provided by the school.
  • Ensure that the National Curriculum is followed.
  • To oversee the school’s budget.
  • Monitor the condition of the school buildings and grounds.
  • To ensure that Special Educational needs are met.   


St Joseph’s governors are committed to their goal of achieving an excellent learning environment, within a Catholic setting, for all pupils during their time at our school.  They are focused not only on educational achievement but on the school’s other values, which are vitally important.  Governors mostly carry out their duties during evening meetings and may attend training sessions and seminars to help them do their job effectively.


Meet Our Governors


Mrs Nicki Robinson

Chair of Governors

I am a Mum to two boys, both of whom attended St. Joseph’s.  I attend St. Joseph’s Church and many of you may know me from the parish Toddler Group which I have run for over 20 years.


I am a foundation governor, elected as Chair of Governors in April 2017. This is a role I feel privileged to hold and enjoy immensely.


I am committed to working alongside all staff, governors and parents to provide the best education our children can receive during their time at St. Joseph’s.



Chair of Governors


Claire Marrin



Sits on Curriculum Committee

Sits on Business & Continuity Committee

Mrs Breda Dutton

Foundation Governor

I am a foundation governor and am an active member of the Upton Parish.  I am a retired local Government Officer.



Chair of Business & Continuity Committee



Mrs Clare Sharp

Co-Opted Governor





Sits on Business & Continuity Committee

Mrs Elizabeth Madden

Staff Governor


Sits on Curriculum Committee

Pupil Premium and Sports Premium


Mrs Michelle Wilson

Foundation Governor



Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Curriculum Committee

Mrs Sally Collins (pending appointment)

Foundation Governor



Sits on Curriculum Committee

Mr Ross McLean

Parent Governor

Sits on Business Continuity Committee

Mrs Leah Robinson

Parent Governor

Sits on Business Continuity Committee

Mrs Maria Anderson

Associate governor


Dr Catherine Huston (resigned 31/08/2024)

Foundation Governor

Sits on Curriculum Committee

Rev Paul D'Ambrogio (resigned 31/08/2024)

Foundation Governor

Sits on Business Continuity Committee

Governor Terms in Office Record 


Governor Name and Type and/or Special Responsibility

Date of Appointment and Appointing Body

Date Term of Office ended or due to end

Pecuniary or Business Interest Declared

Governance on any other Educational Establishments

Relationships with school staff

Mrs Nicki Robinson Chair of Governors

31.08.2012 Foundation Governor


None Declared



Mrs Michelle Wilson

Vice-Chair of Governors


Foundation Governor

31.08.2028None DeclaredNoneNone

Mrs Claire Marrin Headteacher

Ex Officio


None Declared



Mrs Clare Sharp



Co-opted Governor

20.03.2028None DeclaredNoneNone

Mrs Breda Dutton

SEN Governor

01.09.2016 Foundation Governor


Yes  Non-Exec Director Onward Housing

Governor at Claremount School


Mrs E Madden



Staff Governor


None Declared



Mrs Leah Robinson


Parent Governor

31.08.2027None DeclaredNoneNone
Mrs Sally Collins


Foundation Governor

31.08.2028None DeclaredNoneNone
Mr Ross McLean


Parent Governor

31.08.2028None DeclaredNoneNone



Governor Attendance Record 



Full Governing Board meetings attended

Out of a possible


Mrs. Nicki Robinson (Chair)




Mrs. Breda Dutton (Chair of Business Continuity Committee)


Mrs. Claire Marrin (Headteacher)



Mrs. Elizbeth Madden (Staff Governor)


Mrs. Catherine Huston (Vice Chair of Governors)


Mrs. Michelle Wilson



Mrs. Katie Smith



Rev. Paul D’Ambrogio



Mrs. Clare Sharp




Mrs. Leah Robinson



Mrs. Maria Anderson. (Associate Member)

4th September 2023, 5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


4th September 2023, 5th December 2023, 19th March 2024


4th September 2023, 5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


5th December 2023, 19th March 2024


5th December 2023 and 16th July 2024


5th December 2023, 19th March 2024


5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


4th September 2023, 5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


5th December 2023, 19th March 2024 and 16th July 2024


5th December 2023 and 16th July 2024







































Committee meetings attended

Out of a possible


Business Continuity Committee


Mrs. Breda Dutton (Chair of Committee)


Mrs. Nicki Robinson (Chair of Governors)


Mrs. Claire Marrin (Headteacher)


Mrs. Clare Sharp



Mr. Paul D’Ambrogio


Mrs. Leah Robinson



Mrs. Maria Anderson



7th November 2023, 27th February 2024


7th November 2023 and 27th February 2024


7th November 2023, 27th February 2024


7th November 2023, 27th February 2024


27th February 2024


7th November 2023, 27th February 2024


7th November 2023 and 27th February 2024






















Curriculum Committee


Mrs. Claire Marrin (Headteacher)


Mrs. Michelle Wilson



Mrs. Catherine Huston (Vice Chair of Governors)


Mrs. Katie Smith


Mrs. Elizabeth Madden



Mrs. Maria Anderson

 7th November 202, 6th February 2024 and 7th May 2024.

7th November 2023, 6th February 2024 and 7th May 2024

7th November 2023 and 6th February 2024.


7th November 2023 and 7th May 2024

7th November 2023, 6th February 2024 and 7th May 2024

7th November 2023, 6th February 2024 and 7th May 2024



















Committee Membership


Business and Continuity


Committee Focus – Buildings, Budget, Health and Safety, Premises Development, Wraparound Provision, Staff Pay and Appraisal.


Nicki Robinson

Ross McLean

Clare Sharp   

Foundation Governor / Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Co-opted Governor

Claire Marrin


Breda Dutton

Foundation Governor, Chair of Business Continuity Committee

Leah Robinson  Parent Governor 


Also in Attendance:

  • School Bursar
  • Clerk to Governors


Curriculum Committee


Committee Focus - Achievement and Standards, Curriculum, SEND, RE, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium Funding, Teaching and Learning, Monitoring Outcomes, Self-Evaluation Summary.


Michelle WilsonChair of Curriculum, Vice-Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor

Sally Collins

Foundation Governor

Claire Marrin


Elizabeth Madden

Staff Governor


Also in Attendance:

  • Deputy Head teacher and SENCO – Maria Anderson
  • Clerk to Governors


Governors with Special Responsibilities


  • SEND – Breda Dutton
  • Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Funding – Elizabeth Madden
  • Safeguarding – Leah Robinson
  • Health and Safety - Nicki Robinson