As a Catholic school within the Diocese of Shrewsbury we teach Religious Education through the Way, the Truth and the Life Religious Education Programme. The aim of the programme is “To explore the religious dimension of questions about life, dignity and purpose in the light of the Catholic faith”. Throughout the programme, the children draw upon and gain knowledge of the traditions and experiences of what it means to belong to a Catholic Community. Links are also made with other faith traditions – Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam.
The children are prepared for the sacraments of First Forgiveness and Holy Communion during Yr 3; school staff are joined by parish catechists working in partnership in delivering this programme. Celebration takes place with the parish community.
Aside of curriculum R.E. we believe Religious Education is the “core of core” subjects and as such permeates the whole curriculum and every aspect of life.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education if they wish and should make a request in writing to the Chair of Governors.