All children participate in a variety of music making activities.
Through our music curriculum, Children learn about a wide range of musical genres. They are taught to listen to and appraise music and are taught about significant musicians from throughout history.
Children are developed as singers: they learn to sing in tune, sing chorally, sing harmonies and sing in rounds. All children take part in singing performances throughout their time at St Joseph’s which enables them to demonstrate their skills.
Children learn a range of tuned and untuned instruments here in St Joseph’s too. They develop their skills when playing the glockenspiel, recorder and keyboard amongst other instruments. They learn about notation and learn, how symbols represent musical notes and musical direction.
They learn to compose their own music, recording their compositions and performing their compositions in front of others.
Music also plays a key role in celebrations and liturgies throughout the school year. The children are introduced to a range of Hymns within the Liturgical Cycle.