Here you will find lots of information about what we've been up to recently. Keep logging on to read about new events that will be taking place in the future.
Recycling week was a huge success and we managed to collect lots of flexible plastics. Thank you to everyone who collected and brought in items from home and all the lunch time staff for helping collect plastics from lunch boxes.
Our new indoor play resources arrived this month! The Council have been working hard on this project all year - collecting ideas from each year group, researching appropriate games and budgeting their money to ensure they could buy the most toys possible.
The School Council spent some time decorating the Christmas tree in the hall. It's beginning to feel very festive around school!
The council met to look over all of your design ideas for our new school prayer garden this week.
Congratulations to all our new School Council members. All of you submitted superb application forms and truly deserved to be voted in by your classmates.
Welcome to all at the start of our new academic year from your School Council.
We have held 2 meetings and are presently in the process of recruiting new members to fill in the gaps now our Year 6 members have moved on to a new chapter of their lives. If you are in years 3 or 4 please take a look at our notice board to read all about the positions available.
During our meetings so far we have talked about Dojo rewards and have come up with some fantastic ideas for your reward scheme. We will be asking you, as the school community, to get involved in a survey to vote for your favourite suggestions.
We will add our new members as soon as we can so watch this space!!!
Wellbeing February Calendar
February 2021
Aoife has come up with a lovely idea for you all to get involved with during the month of February - The Fabulous, Fit, Fantastic, Fun Filled, Five Ways to Wellbeing February Calendar of 2021. We have unfortunately missed the first week of February but I'm sure we can carry it on over to March. Please have a look at all the fantastic ideas on offer on Aoife's PPT.
Pay it Forward
February 2021
Callum, a member of our School Council, asked us to join in with Pay it Forward - This is when someone wants to repay you for a kindness you have done for them, you can then ask them to pay it forward to someone else in their life instead - the intention is to create a ripple effect throughout the world. Within our school community we are always finding ways to help each other - that's what is so special about St Joseph's. Our key worker children along with their teachers have filled a good deed tree with what they would do to make a positive difference to someone else's life?
Positive Affirmation Posters
February 2021
Here are a beautiful collection of poems, posters and pictures created by some of our School Council members. We hope they make you smile and think of one another during this very unusual time.....please try to make time to say a little prayer for your friends and family.