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Information from Parent Workshops

Staying Safe Online Parent Workshop

Years 5 and 6 Calculation Policy Workshop

A huge thank you to Miss Wilson and Mr Breen for leading the final of our workshops about the Maths Calculation Policy. Once again, it was wonderful to welcome our children to demonstrate how they learn in Maths. 

Years 3 and 4 Calculation Policy Workshop

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Year 3 and 4 Maths workshop.  The session, that focused on the Maths Calculation Policy, was led by Miss Wilson and Mrs Monteith.   It was a wonderful opportunity to explore how children learn in Maths in Years 3 and 4.  We were so proud of the children who participated in the session.  

Staying Safe with Social Media and the Internet Workshop

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this session.  It was really useful to reflect on what our children access online and how we can keep them safe.  You can view the presentation from the session by clicking the link below.  Within the presentation there are various links to websites that provide guidance for both children and parents.  If you click on some of the video images it will play clips that raise awareness of the importance of staying safe online. 


Some websites that provide valuable information about online safety are:



KS1 Calculation Policy Workshop

On the 16th January Miss Wilson and Miss Stewart led the first of our Maths workshops about the new calculation policy.  It was wonderful to welcome so many parents and carers and it goes without saying just how much we value your support.  The children who participated in the session were so confident to demonstrate how they learn in Maths.  We were so proud of them.  The presentation from the workshop can be accessed by clicking the link below.  

A few photos from the morning...

SEND Information Morning

On Thursday 24th October we held a SEND Information Morning for parents and carers.  It was wonderful to welcome so many parents and carers to the session. There was so much positive feedback from everyone who attended.  The session was led by the Local Offer team, this provided a wealth of information.  A huge thank you goes out the the different agencies who were on hand to offer advice, links to their services can be found below.


The powerpoint from the session can be found below.  If you do have any questions or would like any further advice then please do speak to Mrs Anderson.

SEND Information Morning Powerpoint

Sacramental Preparation Presentation

Supporting Your Child in Maths Workshop

On Wednesday 26th April we ran a  Year 1 Phonics Screening and Assessment in Key Stage 1 workshop.  If you were unable to attend please take a read of the information below. 

Key Stage 1 Assessments

CAMHS Mental Health in Children workshop
