This week we have celebrated Health Week across the school. At the start of the week we welcomed Freddy Fit back to our school, all classes participated in Freddy Fit workshops, in addition to the fitness activities children (and staff) all had the opportunity to reflect on how to live a healthy life. After school on Monday we held our annual Health Workshops, a huge thank you goes out to all the staff and the School Council. Without their hard work and support this event would not have been able to take place. What was particularly impressive this year was observing how children, parents and staff were determined to improve their personal best when accessing the fitness challenges. We have amazing speed bouncers in our school who just kept on improving their score. What determination!
Throughout the week we have spent lots of time reflecting on our emotional well-being. We are adapting a whole-school approach to this and we are using the idea of "bucket filling" to reflect on our own feelings and the feelings of others. Each class has used the book "Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?" to develop an understanding of this. This heartwarming book encourages positive behaviour by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, love and appreciation by "filling buckets".
Please take time to look at this wonderful book by clicking on this link.
You should of received a letter about how we hope to develop the idea of "bucket filling" at home, attached to the letter there is a set of certificates. If you do need more certificates then click on the link or speak to your child's class teacher. They will be so happy to help.
A big thanks goes out to the PTA who have provided fruit cups to all children. What a delicious treat for a Friday afternoon.
And finally a big thank you to all our children for all your hard work this week. You have been fabulous.