Did you know.....
World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.
The origins of the day we now celebrate in the UK and Ireland come from Catalonia, where roses and books were given as gifts to loved ones on St George's Day – a tradition started over 90 years ago.
World book 2014 wll be celebrated on Thursday 6th March.
At St Joseph's we are going to spend part of the week celebrating books. We are going to be making books, reading books, listening to books, watching people act out books, sharing ideas and preferences for books, watching DVDs of books, visiting the local library and generally enjoying the day. We' ll also have an assembly on the Friday to celebrate some of the work completed.
We are constantly endorsing the importance of, and pleasure in reading. So we'll be inviting the children to come to school dressed as a fairy tale character from a book. Or they could make a tabard out of cardboard and download pictures of fairy tale characters or books from one author... even better, draw some pictures of their fairy tale character and their character's friends.
You can visit the following website http://www.worldbookday.com/ to find out more information explaining all about World Book Day. You may also find the following website useful http://www.bookaid.org/get-involved/fundraise/schools/world-book-day-2014/
Let's all get involved...and read, read, read and read some more and then let's talk about books and generally celebrate the power and wonder of books.